Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things...

It recently dawned on me that working with kids automatically gives me plenty of great blogging material. I don't know how I've gone without realizing that for almost three months. But let me tell you that the things that I hear from day to day are worth sharing. From the mouths of babes...

At our swim school, our curriculum uses themes for the younger-aged programs. One week might be Space Week, the next week could be Sports week, etc. One week was Cartoon Week. I was managing an evening shift and noticed one teacher, in particular, having trouble bringing his cartoon theme to life. His class of three year-olds was quickly becoming a wreck and I hopped in the water, hoping to assist him. I worked closely with one little girl named Jewel. Jewel wanted nothing to do with going under the water so I got into my cartoon character and encouraged Jewel to do the same. I rattled off several Disney princess names, decided to make Jewel Cinderella, and wove a pretty impressive tale that I was sure would distract Jewel from the fact that she was swimming. After having Jewel do a two-second swim turn under water, I pulled her up and praised her and hugged her tightly. Jewel was crying and screamed, "I need to be a person NOW! I need to be a person so I can go home!" Hiding my laughter at that moment might have been one of the hardest things I've ever done.

This week is our last week of the summer session at our school. We are using it as Water Safety Week. Yesterday a teacher asked one of her younger swimmers what he needed to do if he ever fell into the water. (FYI-the correct answer is "swim back to the wall".) The child answered, "Swim up!". The teacher said, "Good! Where do you swim up to?" and the child answered, "Swim up to Jesus!". No kid! Swim away from the light! Swim back to the wall! HA!

These are just a couple of my favorite kid moments at work. I'll be sure to keep them coming because hopefully they'll give you just as big a laugh as they give me.



Swim up to Jesus! I love it! haha!!

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