Monday, January 9, 2012

7 Months!

"This is my son Barrett. He's 7 months old." That phrase sounds so odd coming out of my mouth. Even though he's a mere one month older, "7 months" sounds like so much less of a baby! A lot of that shock probably has to do with the fact that he seemed to hit so many more milestones this past month. (I bet I say that every month.)

I now have a boy who:

*Loves mashed blackbeans, carrots, green beans, and avocado. He recently ate an entire avocado while out to eat with his Aunt Cookie. He then started begging for her salad.

*Has mastered picking up cereal puffs and is working on grabbing pieces of pears and steamed broccoli. (We've yet to find a food he won't happily cram into his mouth.)

*Thinks he's hot stuff at restaurants in his high chair, munching on a baby mum-mums (glorified rice cake for babies). He is a huge flirt with any female waitress or nearby diner.

*Army crawls!

*Flies around the living room in the walker that Olivia & Davis were so kind to loan him. The dogs constantly have to be on alert or he will mow them down in an attempt to get to their water bowl. He also loves to hit buttons on the cable box and stare at the tv from directly below. I pull him away from the tv and my stubborn little dude wastes no time in running his little feet right back. You've got to admire the persistance.

*Goes underwater! He has also discovered splashing and does it with a joyful spirit. During swim class we have to back away from the other babies and moms so that Barrett doesn't soak them. He also splashes in the tub at home and creates a good-size mess for us to clean up after baths.

*Understands the word "more". I try to use sign-language for a few simple words and the minute I say and sign "more" during a meal, Barrett's mouth pops open and leans as far forward as he can in his high-chair. He may understand several other words, but that seems to be the only one that matters to him.

*Is in the process of cutting 3 more teeth. He's working on his top two "fangs" and a new bottom tooth next to the two front. Besides the constant drool and occasional ear-pulling, you'd hardly notice a change in his behavior most days. If I sense a bad day coming on, we spend a lot of time outside.

There you have it. The latest on my Bear. The months fly by and it just keeps getting more fun!



He sure is cute! And he's getting so big! :)


He is precious!!! Our boys are very persistant...P goes for the cable box and playstation daily! OH and the water bowl. We need to get them together for a race :)


He's getting hair!! I love the idea of a Pierce vs. Barrett race!

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