Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Registry Advice!

A couple of my mommy-friends here can attest to the fact that the impending baby registry has me FREAKING OUT. I have yet to step into the actual stores...I've just started registeries online. I feel completely overwhelmed and have been picking friends' brains to get an idea of what I need and what I don't. I've been given some great advice, but I want to take advantage of the fact that some of y'all might have helpful tips to share with this mommy-to-be.

I am registered at Babies-R-Us and Target. What are a couple of things that you swear by and would consider must-haves? Anything I should do without?



If you do go in the store the desk at the front will give you a that packet will be a list of popular things that Mommy's register for. That might help you in the way of checking off "categories" of things. I would love to help you. Just add things on your registry and I will be happy to go look at it and give you suggestions. Just let me know! Good luck!


Besides all the obvious (bottles, blankets, etc), these were my must haves:
*A Swaddle-Me blanket
*A Bumbo
*One of those things you can put in the dishwasher to wash bottle parts and pacis

I bet Cari would be a good help for you!

Jessica Swinford

Ash~there's so many things I thought I HAD to have with my first, and I ended up never needing. To name one: wipe warmer, I tried it, it was just in the way and the wipes weren't warm for long enough.
For me my must needs are: cloth diapers (old school white clothes) they are great burp rags, the water proof pads (all sizes) they are great for diaper changes (sometimes those cute little babies have explosive moments!), and you can layer the crib size ones in between two sheets, for easy midnight changes, and the Lansinoh breast pads...I tried every brand, disposable & washable, these are the best for leaking boobs! Of course this is all my opinion...
You're gonna be great! You'll find what things are a must for you!


Lansinoh cream for bfing is a must. I also swear by swaddle blankets (the kind that actually velcro closed). Micah didn't like the Bumbo, Caleb did-- you never know... A nuring cover is important. I agree with Jessica about the wipe warmer-- I think Liv is using one and likes it. I always worried that they'd get used to nice warm wipes and then scream if I was ever in a pinch and needed a cold one. A good grandma is a necessity.... I think you've got that covered!

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