Monday, November 30, 2009

Ashley is thankful for...

(A collection of "thanks" during the month of November, leading up to Thanksgiving.)

Day 1-Grant: How could I do math, check my truck's clock for daylight savings, or follow directions without him?!?

Day 2-A home: In Austin, Texas!

Day 3-My Melson & Qualley family: Getting ready for the holidays makes me feel so blessed for amazing loved ones. Goofy as they are, I love 'em!

Day 4-My job: I get to laugh a lot and hug kids all day. Not only does my job pay the bills but it truly makes me happy.

Day 5- Our armed forces: They are the definition of sacrifice and courage. Thank you a million times!

Day 6- God's comfort during times that we don't understand: He is so faithful!

Day 7-Tex & Maggie: They may "just" be dogs, but they make our little Qualley family complete. Life is much more colorful with those two around!

Day 8-Our Small Group Friends: They are truly our Austin family and God's hand was so evident in placing us together.

Day 9- My sister, Erin: No one makes me laugh as hard as that girl does. God knew what He was doing when He made us sisters!

Day 10-Fall mornings: So beauitful!

Day 11-Coffee: Simple, yet much-needed when you work with kiddos all day!

Day 12-My parents: The example they've set for us kids and for Grant & I in our marriage is one of the biggest blessings in my life.

Day 13-Date nights with Grant: They are never dull and it reminds us of all the reasons that we fell in love seven years ago. :)

Day 14-Our incredibly comfortable bed: Sometimes I take it for granted but it is where I can re-charge after a long day.

Day 15-The opportunity to serve others: It is good for others and great for your heart.

Day 16- The truck that I've wanted since I was 16: God cares about the desires of our hearts, even the small ones. A drive in my truck with some country music soothes my soul!

Day 17- My Fam: These best friends from college has been a huge part of my life. When I look back on my life, I am brought to tears from the memories and love I have for those girls.

Day 18-Laughter: One of my all-time favorite hobbies.

Day 19-Rainy mornings: Sometimes a morning like that helps to slow down and just enjoy.

Day 20-A good workout: It helps to calm the crazies!

Day 21-HEB's chocolate granola ceral: Another simple one, but very much appreciated!

Day 22-Blessings: Even on a bad day, I can sure make one long list of things that I can be thankful for!

Day 23-My Dad: On his birthday, I can honestly say that if every dad loved Jesus like mine does, this world would be a much better place.

Day 24-Excitement: Not everyone can say that they look forward to spending the holidays with their family. I'm so glad it's not only a good thing for me but a total blast!

Day 25-Kindness: Hearing a compliment on the work you do and being told that it's obvious you enjoy it is the fuel you sometimes need to keep going.

Day 26-My life in Jesus: Thank you, Lord, for saving me and giving me a long list of things that make my life so wonderful.



Well said. You're on my list, too, Armadillo Ashley.


Love it! I am thankful for you too Ash! I remember the first time I saw your smiley face!! ;)

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