Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Who knew?

Last night I was on the phone with an old friend that Grant & I are both very close to. We all went to high school together but Brian & I became closer when we both transferred home from college and were stuck going to community college for a semester. We rode to school together and I spent a lot of time at Starbucks trying to make him study while he tried to convince me that we should skip the studying and head to Red Robin for cheeseburgers. Brian was at our very small wedding and Grant & I try to make a point of seeing him when we go home to Texas to visit.

Last night Brian mentioned a recent conversation that he'd had with another friend of ours who is getting married. They were talking about the type of women you marry and Brian said "Well I'm looking for my Ashley in life". I was floored when I heard those words. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. His reasoning is that I'm apparently cool, funny, let Grant do whatever he wants, etc. Ha ha! If Brian actually lived with me, he might take off the rose-colored glasses. It wouldn't be long before I'd scold him for leaving his dirty clothes on the floor. He might hear one of my early-morning nose-blowing sessions. Or he might wake up to me standing in my underwear in a panic, crying out that I can't find my birth certificate. (Sadly-all are true.) Grass is always greener, of course. But either way, I was flattered to know that Brian is out there searching for my twin. I hope he finds her...and that she whips him into shape. :)



What a compliment!! You know, I think everyone is hard to live with. And not that I have experience with this, but I bet a lot of the people who enter a second marriage are shocked to find the same annoyances.


Ooh, I was going to say something shallow, but E-rob's comment was too deep! Very interesting about second marriages. And very true about all of us being hard to live with. Although, I gotta say- you do seem like a quite accommodating wife! The food you serve Grant alone should be enough to get you 4-Wife-Stars!

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